Don’t Be A Target of Identity Theft
Don’t Be A Target of Identity Theft
Identity theft can happen to anyone,” that is the message of an all day conference by housing and credit counseling held Friday.
Seminars have been going on all day at the Capital Plaza Hotel educating many on identity theft, addressing financial literacy in Kansas, as well as panel discussions from local media outlets; including 13’s News Director Jon Janes.
A presentation was also given by a woman whose family was a victim of identity theft with an impostor trying to get away with tens of thousands of dollars.
“It is the fastest growing white collar crime in America and even though it’s estimated that identity theft only affects 1% of the population when you think of a population of 250 million people, 1% is substantial,” Robert Baker with HCCI said.
Baker adds that shredding any person information is key in keeping your identity secure. He also says if you don’t want all those applications in the mail there is a place to check off and mail back canceling those from coming. It’s also important according to Baker not to give out personal information over the phone.
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