Identity Theft 911 report blames illegal immigration, government inaction for state’s top ranking
Identity Theft 911 report blames illegal immigration, government inaction for state’s top ranking
A new report by Identity Theft 911 says illegal immigration, fraudulent employment, methamphetamine use and the state’s lack of enforcement have helped keep Arizona as the No. 1 spot for identity theft.
Scottsdale-based Identity Theft 911 provides fraud solutions and consumer education to Fortune 500 companies, insurance companies, corporate benefit providers, financial institutions and colleges.
Arizona ranks No. 1 in the nation for identity theft complaints per capita, the number of instances having risen 55 percent since 2002, the report states. Other findings include:
More than 293,000 Arizona residents fell victim to identity theft in 2007.
More than 1.1 million Arizona children’s identities have been stolen.
More than a third of stolen identities in Arizona are used for fraudulent employment.
Identity theft cost Arizona victims an estimated $147 million last year.
About 1.57 million Arizona residents, or 25 percent of the state’s population, have been victims of identity theft in the last six years.