Meet Taran Nichols

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Tell us a little about yourself and your family.  Where is your hometown?  

I was born in Florida and my family is from New York and Texas.  I live with my boyfriend and my step daughter along with our fur babies.  I am an outgoing person who works hard and puts others before myself.

Tell us three things that most people do not know about you.

1.) I love mechanics and fixing cars. I even owned my own shop for a while. 2.) I have a pet sugar glider named Furbat and red ear slider named Spartacus. 3.) Last, but not least, I am terrified of heights.

What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work? What do you like to do on your days off?

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and pets.  On the weekends, I try to get out to enjoy the sun and water at the beaches.  We also travel down to Miami a lot to spend time with family and have fun.

What is your role at Legal Shred?

I am an Office Administrator and Customer Service Representative.  My role is to see to my customers’ needs, making sure they are happy, well taken care of, and helping them to schedule a shredding appointment around their busy daily life.  I want all of my customers to have the satisfaction and peace of mind knowing that their documents are securely shredded and safe from identity theft and hackers!

Before working at Legal Shred, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I would have to say working for Pic Solve at Legoland. Walking through the park first thing in the morning before it opens, feeling like you have the entire place to yourself. Then learning all about what goes on behind the scenes at a theme park. It is just something you would never think of until you have the chance to experience it first hand.

What do you like the most about Legal Shred?

Legal Shred has got to be my all time favorite place to work because we are not just work colleagues, we are an actual family.  We all work hand in hand and are always looking out for each other. We put the meaning and definition in TEAM! Not to mention thanks to our Office Manager, Kim, we have the best “Fun Fridays” ever, to enjoy what we have accomplished during the week!