Moving – Legal Shred Can help!
Moving – Legal Shred Can Help!
There is nothing like the prospect of moving to motivate a person to declutter.
Whether you’re moving your family or your business, one thing is for certain: moving comes with some modicum of stress. Moving from one location to another is not only time consuming, but it can be expensive and overwhelming. If you’ve lived or operated somewhere for an extended period of time, chances are you’ve collected a lot of stuff that you don’t need. Deciding what has value and what’s garbage can be a challenge, but don’t stress out before the moving and relocation company arrives. Moving is a great time to purge and declutter.
This is also the perfect time to take a look into all of that outdated, no longer active paperwork. Cull through files and see what has stayed long past its retention period. Most of the time, old paperwork takes up more space than necessary. The more you get rid of, the less there is for your commercial movers to move to your new location. It is also a cost-savings, as many moving companies charge by weight or space used on the truck. Of course, while you think it may save you time to toss your old paperwork at the curb, your information can be stolen from many different items such as tax returns, bills, junk mail, prescription drug information, checkbook reorder forms, old business statements, and more. Your best course of action is to work with a certified document shredding company.
Legal Shred can help mitigate the risks of tossing sensitive information and lighten the load for moving day with our document shredding services.
Second to old documents and office furniture, electronics are a major piece of overhead you either need to dispose of or move. But electronic waste is a significant concern, too – did you know more than 70% of electronic waste ends up in landfills? Hard drives are fountains of information that need to be disposed of properly. If you’re not moving that old computer, be sure to destroy the old hard drive before recycling other components.
Legal Shred offers hard drive destruction services through the use of our shredders; this method works similarly to how we destroy paper documents, except it is the hard drive that is being shredded into unusable pieces. Data is impossible to retrieve once it has been pulverized.
Whether you’re purging old documents or tossing old hard drives before the big moving day, using regular document destruction services is a great way to keep clutter and mess at bay.
With routine document shredding from Legal Shred, there are no contracts and billing is automatic. Routine schedules are also flexible; you can set up a weekly, monthly, or semi-monthly schedule, whatever frequency that you need to keep your office or home organized and free of unnecessary paper clutter so that moving is a breeze.
Service Areas: Florida Shredding; Orlando Shredding; Tampa Shredding; Naples Shredding; New York Shredding; Westchester Shredding; Long Island Shredding and More!