Nursing assistant Portia Charlton accused of stealing IDs from residents at nursing home, filing fal
Nursing assistant Portia Charlton accused of stealing IDs from residents at nursing home, filing fal
Bartow, FL — A traffic stop in Bartow has landed a 23-year-old nursing aide in jail for ID theft.
Polk County deputies had been looking for Portia Charlton when she was pulled over Friday. Jail records show she is charged with 13 counts of stealing identification information from 13 people at a nursing home where she used to work.
Investigators say when they searched Charlton’s home, they found personal information and names belonging to more than 100 people who lived at the Palm Garden of Winter Haven nursing home.
They say she used the names to file false tax returns and had gotten close to $70,000 from the IRS.
In addition to the fraud charges, she also faces charges for possession of ecstasy, and enhanced charges for crimes against the elderly.
Deputies are searching for her father, 49-year-old Norman Vince Charlton, also on identity theft and conspiracy charges.
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