NYPD Place confidential documents in trash
NYPD Place confidential documents in trash
Bronx cops disposed of dozens of sensitive files by tossing them in the garbage outside the 40th Precinct station house, where they were fair game for local Dumpster divers. The files — including at least one domestic-violence report, stolen property records, criminal complaints and mug shots — were found yesterday by a reporter from News 12 The Bronx. Red-faced police refused to say how long they’d been there or if anything was missing when they retrieved them. They also declined to comment on whether any of the paperwork involved live cases.
In addition to proving embarrassing to people who came into contact with the law, the files could possibly be used by identity thieves to get into bank or credit-card accounts. officials said.
But one source insisted, “To the best of our knowledge, nobody’s safety has been compromised.’’
The department recently has been warning New Yorkers not to put any personal documents in the trash without running them through shredders — because thieves posing as bottle collectors have been mining bins for personal information.
A source said the documents were trashed by a precinct employee — it’s unclear whether it was an officer or a civilian — who found they were drenched by a flood that was caused by a broken pipe in the basement. Though soggy, the files were for the most part still readable.
<a href=”http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/bronx/bronx_cops_in_file_flub_FtFy50i23GDupS14Ieki4M#ixzz1vWIzLX3s”>Read More</a>
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