New Year’s Resolutions for a Cleaner Office
The end of the year might have you feeling a bit overwhelmed with the paper clutter, but routine paper shredding services can help keep your space clean and organized.
With the new year upon us, many of us are writing up our list of resolutions. Whether it’s getting healthier or organizing your space, change starts with small steps. The end of the year might have you feeling a bit overwhelmed with the paper clutter, and that goes for at home and at the office. A good resolution is to start organizing your space; it looks professional and if you are organized in your personal and work area, it’ll be a lot easier to access.
Here are some organization resolutions that are easy to keep, and Legal Shred can help!
Don’t Be a Collector
Ask yourself, “do I need this?” Be honest. Is that ticket stub to the concert you attended three years ago really necessary? Do you have a stack of important documents for work? If yes, then file them away. If not, add them to your shred pile. If you can’t part with it but need the info on the sheet, scan it and put it on an external hard drive.
What tends to happen with trash is that we stash it away somewhere, thinking “I’ll get to that,” and never do. Throw out everything that isn’t absolutely needed for work or home. If it contains sensitive information, shred it.
A Place for Everything and Everything In Its Place
If it’s not where it belongs, either file it or shred it. Did you pull a document that you needed for some figures and then left it for months on your desk? Keep only the things that are current and necessary where you need them. At work, consider implementing a clean desk policy. A clean desk policy ensures that all important documents, confidential letters, binders, and books are removed from a desk and locked away when the items are not in use or an employee leaves his/her workstation. It is one of the top strategies to utilize when trying to reduce the risk of security breaches.
Make Small Attainable Goals
Propose small goals first. Try organizing your desk at a set time, whether it’s a half hour before the work day is over, or right before lunch. This way, you will force yourself to accomplish the task. Set an alarm to remind you. If you find that you’ve made a lot more of a mess than normal, break it up into parts. Have a container handy for your shred items so they are not out and about for wandering eyes. Legal Shred offers a variety of choices to store sensitive documents prior to destruction.
Goals are attainable when they’re broken down and parceled out into smaller tasks. Don’t get lofty and imagine that you’ll be able to do everything in a jiffy. Think realistically what you are capable of doing and go from there. Consider setting up routine paper shredding service from Legal Shred to keep paper clutter to a minimum, and to ensure that your space will be organized and free from risk.
Happy New Year from the Legal Shred team!
Service Areas: Florida Routine Paper Shredding; Orlando Shredding; Tampa Shredding; Naples Shredding; New York Shredding; Westchester Shredding; Long Island Shredding and more!