Uniondale Paper Shredding

Uniondale Paper Shredding – Today, even with new advancements being made to technologies that more effectively defend against cyber attacks, criminals continue to become more sophisticated in their attempts to gain illicit access to data. Most recently, a ransomware attack led to the sudden shutdown and disruption of schools, travel and leisure organizations, credit unions and accountants linked to an IT firm whose database of customer’s was reportedly breached.

The problem is once hackers have the couple of details they need, they are ready to perpetrate attacks such as opening credit lines in your name, falsely acquiring medical services, or even applying for jobs using your private data.  

What many fail to realize is that even something as simple as tossing your old paperwork into the trash can leave you susceptible to these types of breaches. 

To stop these fraudsters you must get serious about your document destruction processes. 

Professional paper shredding services can help your Uniondale home and business to stay protected. 

The professional team at Legal Shred will ensure the entire waste removal process is handled in a compliant and environmentally sound manner. 

Flexible Shredding Options for Uniondale Businesses 

At Legal Shred we know just how important it is for businesses and homeowners located in Uniondale to dispose of both documents and hard drives safely and in a way that doesn’t leave any data vulnerable. You should never have to worry about whose hands sensitive information might end up in and our services make sure of that.

We come out to your location with huge trucks equipped with shredders and remove the secure lockboxes from your premises by uniformed employees. We mean business. These critical steps are used to protect all the information that leaves your facility so there are no unnecessary frustrations down the road. 

Residential Shredding Services in Uniondale 

Even homeowners living in Uniondale, a suburb located on Long Island and in Nassau County, New York, should be taking all necessary steps to safely dispose of waste – whether you have just one box of materials to 100 boxes filled with paper, there is no excuse for unsafe tossing. 

Remember that even things like old bills, invoices, receipts, and other papers you might not think have sensitive data on them could lead to  identity theft or another type of hack. 

Additional Shredding & Destruction Services Offered in Uniondale 


Need a quote on paper shredding and document destruction services for your Uniondale home or office? Contact us today! 


Uniondale Paper Shredding Services

Service Areas: New York ShreddingLong Island Shredding; New Jersey ShreddingConnecticut Shredding and more!