Identity theft targets young people

Identity theft targets young people College-age individuals are at high risk for falling victim to identity theft, according to the Better Business Bureau. College students are especially susceptible to what is known as friendly fraud, meaning someone close to you steals your identity. One in five cases of friendly fraud occurs on college campuses, according…

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Holy Cross Hospital patient records breached, possible tax scam

Holy Cross Hospital patient records breached, possible tax scam Holy Cross Hospital notified 9,900 of its patients that their personal information might have been breached by an employee who may have intended to commit tax fraud. Patient names, dates of birth, addresses and social security numbers were inappropriately accessed by an employee who has since…

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Bronx tax preparation service tosses out sensitive documents in garbage

Bronx tax preparation service tosses out sensitive documents in garbage A Bronx tax prep service dumped old returns, copies of birth certificates and Social Security cards outside a housing project, jeopardizing the identities and accounts of hundreds of residents, the Daily News has learned. A passerby made the shocking find Thursday outside the Davidson Houses,…

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Three Florida residents arrested in Collier in identity theft cases

Three Florida residents arrested in Collier in identity theft cases NAPLES — Three Florida residents were arrested Friday on felony identity theft charges when authorities said they found a list of more than 100 names, birthdates, addresses and Social Security numbers after troopers stopped a speeding SUV in Collier County. Jeremy Anthony Clark, 22, of…

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Medical identity theft is fast-growing and dangerous

Medical identity theft is fast-growing and dangerous WASHINGTON — Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in America, and the theft of medical identities is a key part of the problem. Once a crook has that insurance card, Medicare or Medicaid number, investigators say, it is fairly simple to bill for fictitious services rendered. An estimated…

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Sensitive, personal documents found dumped on the curb

Sensitive, personal documents found dumped on the curb MONTGOMERY, AL (WSFA) – Hundreds of personal documents, social security numbers, financial records and addresses were dumped on the side of the road and left for days. Businesses notified after sensitive info dumped on Montgomery curb The sensitive documents once on the street in East Montgomery are…

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Sunshine state gloom: Florida found to be tops in identity theft

Sunshine state gloom: Florida found to be tops in identity theft Identity theft is on the rise, with it affecting more than 11 million Americans each year, but some states are worse than others when it comes to having your identity stolen, according to a 2012 Federal Trade Commission report. Fraud experts at Equifax (EFX)…

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