Purge Shredding: What Is It?

One-time purge service is designed for customers who have a large quantity of documents that need destruction.  Here’s why this is a huge benefit to small businesses.

Did you know that small businesses are 10 times less likely to have an information security system set up than large businesses?  This oversight can have a significant cost, and is one your business should avoid. For businesses that handle sensitive financial or personal information, the law states that companies must destroy documents after an extended period of time, complying with proper data disposal.  For some businesses that have high volume data destruction needs, routine shredding services are perfect.  But what about the small businesses that are still at risk for security threats but don’t have a need for routine shredding services?  This is where purge shredding is the perfect solution.

Purge Shredding: What Is It?

Purge shredding is exactly what the name suggests: it’s a one-time shredding service that can take sensitive documents that have accumulated and need to be destroyed securely and in accordance with the law.

Why Purge Shredding?

This one-time purge shred service is on done on a request basis, which is a cost-effective option for those who need additional document destruction services, in addition to or independent of a regularly scheduled document shredding plan.

The single best reason for purging old documents is to protect yourself and your customers’ information. Are you guilty of forgetting just how much sensitive data is boxed up in storage closets and facilities?  A number of companies have comprehensive records management programs requiring the destruction of documents that have reached the end of their retention period.  Some businesses may want to turn storage areas into billable office space.  Many companies may simply be relocating to another building. Whatever the reason, it is necessary to dispose of business records securely.

Purge shredding services from a reputable and licensed document destruction company allow you to destroy unwanted documents in a timely manner without the additional investment of internal staff and resources.  

According to The New York Times, the U.S. has 2.3 billion square feet of self-storage space.  50% of renters are simply spending money on storage to hold what won’t fit in their homes.  According to Cost Helper, storage units can cost $40-$50 per month for a 5-by-5-foot unit and $75-$140 per month for a 10-by-15-foot unit.  Why waste that money holding onto stuff that may never again see the light of day?  If you’re paying to hold onto old paperwork, make sure your records have met their retention periods and consider doing a seasonal purge.  Legal Shred can come straight to your storage facility or place of business and shred right on site so you never have to haul it out yourself.

Ready to clean up your documents and securely destroy them permanently? Contact Legal Shred today for your purge shredding needs.


Purge Shredding

Service Areas: New York ShreddingWestchester ShreddingLong Island Shredding and more!